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Hybrid event


The InteropEHRate project is ending but new opportunities to take its work further in the context of the European Health Data Spaces are coming to fruition.

On 28 September 2022, the InteropEHRate Final Conference will take place in Liège (Belgium) and will be broadcasted online.

The event is organised in two parts. In the morning, we will learn from the project results and implementation pilots. In the afternoon, we will discuss with multiple stakeholders about the implications of a citizen-centric health data sharing approach to improve care and research.

Please register to save your spot.

Stakeholders: the key results of the project will be presented and discussed with a wide representation of stakeholders. Attendees include citizens, the European Commission, health authorities, health care providers, researchers and technology companies.

Citizens’ data: InteropEHRate aims to support people’s health by opening up to them new ways to make health data available when and where needed. As a result, key health data is managed in “patients’ hands”, through smart electronic health records (S-EHR) on mobile devices. Data is always transferred via highly secure channels including direct device to device (D2D) communication. Patients are in full control of their own data and its pathways.

InteropEHRate’s key results: The project developed open interchange protocols supporting patient-centred exchange of health records between patients, healthcare actors and researchers. Thus, the project is contributing to the next steps that follow on from the February 2019 EC recommendation and help to pave the way towards an open European EHR exchange format and process. The project will add a decentralised, patient-driven bottom-up approach as an alternative method to the top-down approach of exclusive patient data exchange via a country’s national contact point for eHealth (NCPeH).

Communication and interoperability surges ahead: InteropEHRate’s key result is an interchange method comprising multiple components for establishing interoperable routes to communicate health data between different actors including patients and researchers. The method consists of a specification and a reference implementation: known as the Interoperate format specification – which responds to the February 2019 EC recommendation towards an open European EHR exchange format – aims to become a HL7 FHIR specification in support of syntax and semantic requirements.

What is in it for you?

With this final event, InteropEHRate aims to create a dynamic opportunity for people, organisations, companies and projects to interact, look at the project’s results, and explore how to further develop a citizen-centric health data sharing approach.

Explore with InteropEHRate the future of health data sharing mediated by citizens.

➡️ Download the event agenda.

Meet the speakers

09:00 CET Welcome and introduction

Welcome and Intro

09:15 CET The InteropEHRate project

The iEHR project

09:30 CET Session 1: InteropEHRate solutions for health care data sharing: Video demo

Interoperability profiles

Session 1

11:00 CET Healthy break

11:15 CET Session 2: InteropEHRate solutions for health research data sharing: Video demo

Session 2

12:30 CET Lunch break

13:30 CET Session 3: InteropEHRate in support of European health data sharing policies. 
The European Health Data Space: citizen access and sharing and data altruism.

Session 3 2

14:30 CET Healthy break

14:45 CET Session 4: The contribution of InteropEHRate and mHealth solutions 
National/Regional Health Authorities health data sharing policies, industry and innovation Knowledge and mapping tools.

Session 4 1

15:45 CET Session 5: Road ahead: exploitation and governance of InteropEHRate

Session 5


The InteropEHRate Final Conference will be hosted by the University of Liège and will take place at:

Salle Académique

University of Liège

Place du Vingt Août 7, 4000 Liège.

How to get there?

From Brussels Airport:

  • There are trains every hour at Brussels Airport for Leuven, with 7′ connecting time to get a train for the beautiful train station of Liège Guillemins.
  • Total duration of the journey: 54 minutes


From anywhere in Brussels:

  • By car: Liège is less than 100 km from Brussels
  • By train: you will need about 1 hour to travel from Brussels Central to Liège Guillemins, with a train about every 30 minutes.


Where to stay?

There are a few hotels in the city with 3 or 4 stars.

We recommend the Hotel Van der Valk Congrès which offers some special conditions and is within walking distance of the meeting place.

You can register by downloading this registration form and sending it to the hotel reception.

Social dinner

If you are on-site on 27 September, you can join the social dinner organised in the Hotel Van der Valk Congrès at 19:30:


InteropEHRate logoBL Q 002

Practical information

Date : 28/09/2022 Location : Liège Time (CET): 9:00 > 16:30

Where to Find us

Salle Académique
University of Liège
Place du Vingt Août 7, 4000 Liège

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